ANTIFA “Creatures of Thought”
It’s most assuredly understood that we're all born to learn something while after learning what we’ve learned
it's likely to be surmised that we know nothing at all. Thusly it must be understood that Mr. Mclnnes's assertion may’ve
been correct when stating that 'Antifa' does itself no favors by assuming that its enemies all share the same view. As it’s
only by ignoring the essence of our being that allows for a distraction of our reasoning or its understanding of a brighter,
or more educative future in the ever-changing expansion of the cosmos. While the greatest competence that might exist in a
behavioral ‘manipulative’ situation’s the stringent ignoring of its enactments or ignorance. Thus having
applied a true effigy to the adage of "laying hands on” it has unscrupulously displayed that we’ve suppressed
the negative or that we have shown that we’ve learned something. Or it’s perhaps by continuing with a more positive
aspect that we’ve acknowledged that we have all understood. Thus it’s by allowing ourselves to become enlightened
we have acknowledged the understanding that we’re all creatures of a greater learning or wisdom. . .